Why Does My Computer Keep Freezing Up? - How to Fix Computer Freeze Problem

Does your computer keep freezing time and time again? Sometimes when you are working or playing games on your computer, your computer just freezes up for no reason. Why does the computer keep freezing? How do you fix it?

Normally a computer freezes up owing to short of RAM resources. When you are running too many programs at the same time, the programs will fight for the inadequate RAM resources. If Windows fails to allocate the memory properly, computer would freezes up and some programs will be not responding.


Someone says if he increases his memory the problem will not happen again. Unfortunately some PC users who have 4 G RAM also encounter the freezing problem once in a while. Why? System problems!

Why Does My Computer Keep Freezing Up? - How to Fix Computer Freeze Problem

In most cases, it is not the inadequate RAM resources that cause computer to hang up. There are many issues that have a negative effect on computer performance such as registry errors, redundant DLL files, junk files and so on. When your computer is confronted with those problems, you could find the performance is dramatically decreased.

For example, registry is one of the most important parts of Windows system. If registry is corrupted or damaged, your computer would not only lock up but also even experience blue screen, blank screen and other serious problems. And when there are many redundant DLL files in your system disk, part of the RAM resources will be occupied by them. Then your PC will run into the situation in which RAM resources is inadequate and your computer will hang up.

Besides, there are many other issues can lead to computer hang-up. You need to handle all the issues to fix the problem.

Why Does My Computer Keep Freezing Up? - How to Fix Computer Freeze Problem

To prevent the computer freezes and other errors, you should use a system repair tool to help you. You can click here to use a PC-Tweaker to maintain your computer and fix all PC errors. And you can click here to visit my website to find some tricks and tips of tweaking pc performance and make your computer run at top speed.

Computer Appreciation For Beginners (Part 1)

To those who really want to be perfect in computer operation and understanding, this article which shall come in 'parts' will lead you gently from the basics of computer to the complex usage of the software in the system. Before one starts using the programs in the system, he or she wants understand the system components and their usage. And so I wish to let you know of the meaning of computer and probably the generations of computer.

Definition of a Computer System
Computer is defined in so many ways by so many people based on their field of specialization. A computer is a set of interrelated and interactive devices, which uses electronic components to perform a predefined operation with accuracy. But generally, a computer system may simply be defined as an electronic device, which is capable of accepting data as input, process the data, store the data and provide a result as output in human readable form. The four basic parts of a computer are Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse and System unit.


A Brief History of Computer
Computer history and development is always traced to Charles Babbage, the Father of computers and Lady Ada Lovelace, the Mother of Programming. The computer we have come to use today perfectly without any much stress and difficulty was not invented the way we have seen but passed through series of processes and stages. There exist five generations of computer as briefly discussed below:

Computer Appreciation For Beginners (Part 1)

First Generation Computer (The Vacuum Tube Technology)
This generation of computers consists of computers developed between 1944 and 1959. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computers) and UNIVAC 1 and 11 are first generation computers. This generation of computers were very bulky, dissipates a lot of heat, some were very heavy, weighing up to 200 tons. Because of the heat, they needed special cooling system. The characteristic technology of this generation was the use of vacuum tubes as the basic building blocks for the logic parts of the computers. In terms of speed they were very slow compared with computers of later generations.

Second Generation Computer (The Transistor Technology)
The technology, which gave the distinguishing characteristics of the second -generation computers, was the transistor technology. Although this device was developed in 1948 in Bell Telephone Laboratories, and was used largely in the electronic world, it was not until 1959 that it was introduced in the manufacture of computers. These transistors replaced the bulky vacuum tubes. In addition to doing everything that the vacuum tube could do, the transistors would do so with greater reliability, with less power requirement, generate less heat, less costly to manufacture and much smaller in size. The computers developed between 1959 and 1964 are called the second-generation computers. Examples: IBM 7030, 7070, 7090, 7094, Boroughs 200 series, UNIVAC III, Honey-well 800 etc. The development of high level programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL was another innovation brought by the second-generation computers and were 10 times faster than the first.

Third Generation Computers (Integrated Circuit Technology)
Between 1964 and 1971, the third generation computers were developed. It was the technology of integrated circuits that opened the gates to the third generation computers. In fact we can say that the integrated circuit technology really revolutionized the computer technology itself. Integrated circuits are attached to a small piece of silicon chip. This technology cam progressively from Small Scale Integration (SSI), which contained about twenty interconnected transistors and diodes, through the Medium Scale Integration (MSI) which had over hundred interconnected transistors on a single chip, to Large Scale Integration (LSI) of over tens of thousand of transistors and diodes on a single chip. The achievements of the Integrated circuit technology led to even faster, more reliable, cheap and small-sized computers, whose powers were multiple of those of the earlier generations. In deed, this generation of computers gave birth to the mini computers, whose power of operation was more than the earlier generation, greater reliability and speed, yet was far less in size and in cost. They could do hundred times as many calculations per second and hundred times faster than their second-generation counterparts could. Examples: IBM 31360 - 31370 series, CDC 6600, 7600, Boroughs B5000 and PDP II series.

The Fourth Generation Computers (VLSIC Micro Technology
The very large-scale integrated circuit (VLSIC), made possible by the micro technology of the period 1971-1982 ushered in the fourth generation of computers. VLSIC has between 5,000 and 50,000 gates (transistors), upon which micro-processors were built. The effect of this technology was smaller and smaller but more and more powerful computers whose speed and reliability trivialized those of the earlier generations. This era also produced the micro-computers that could do the job of first generation large computers with thousand of times faster speed and affordable prices even by individual. This generation also produced a wide variety of software packages like word processing packages, graphics, games, spreadsheet packages and database management systems. Networking capabilities were also enhanced in this era. Examples of the fourth generation computers include the IBM 3033, HP 3000 mini computers, Apple II, Boroughs B7700.

Fifth Generation Computers (Era of Artificial Intelligence)
The technology of this generation of computers is characterized by Super Large Scale Integration (ULSI), Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI), parallel processing, Artificial Intelligence, Speech Processing, Pattern Recognition and Expert System. The distinguishing characteristics of this generation of computer are their tremendous speed and power. Continuous miniaturization of computers is the order of the day, newer, smaller, more powerful computers are seen day by day. Powerful microcomputers have today dwarfed the capability of the older days mainframe. Pentium II mother board with clock speed higher than 300 MHz and hard disk storage space over 20 Gigabytes with unbelievable capabilities, are now affordable by even low income earners. Networking, ranging from local, wide area to Internets are the common features of this generation of computers and has reduced the whole world into a global village.

Computer Appreciation For Beginners (Part 1)

By Emmanuel Effiong

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Whats Wrong With My Computer? - Fixing a Slow Running Computer

Being a computer guy, people are asking me all the time, What's Wrong With My Computer? It's a very broad question, but luckily it usually comes down to a computer simply running very poorly, or very slowly. If you've ever muttered the phrase what's wrong with my computer, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. So, onto the problems and solutions.

There is a logical explanation for a slow running computer. When you first buy your computer, it comes fresh from the factory in every way. The only software on it is from the factory. There is no third party software installed, and there are no added peripherals (extra hardware) to require it to use more of its resources to operate.


But you see as we continue to add more and more software and more and more hardware to our computers, over time, it is only natural that it is not efficient as it once was.

Whats Wrong With My Computer? - Fixing a Slow Running Computer

What's Wrong With My Computer? - The Culprit
Files get spread out, lost, fragmented, and become corrupted. Junk files and empty registry keys accumulate. Temporary files get in the way of normal files that are needed for every day use. Invalid file extensions show their ugly faces. Uninstall entries get lost or moved. Unnecessary startup files surface from installations. Stuff just gets all cluttered. So whats wrong with my computer? It is simply getting bogged down from everything that has been going on. Much like a car without an oil change.

Here's how to fix it
So what do you do when something gets bogged down? Well you clean it up of course. Since all of that above probably sounds like gibberish to you, so I am going to explain exactly how you are going to clean it all up. First, you can run your system defragmentation process by going to your system tools, or just typing "defragment" into your search box. That will align all of your files in the most efficient places to access them.

Secondly and most important of all, you can clean up all of your registry errors, junk files, startup files, invalid file extensions, etc. with specialized cleaning software made for exactly this reason. Unfortunately this software does not come with any computer, so you it is up to you to find it. I'll show you were in just a minute. But before I do that, consider this.

If you continue to let your computer get bogged down, run slower and slower, and let all of these junk files infect its inner workings, it is eventually either going to go into a crash cycle that will cost hundreds of dollars to fix, or it is just going to stop working altogether, costing you thousands to buy a new computer, depending on your flavor. Just like a car, a computer needs maintenance too, just without all the grease!

By making sure you maintain your computer properly, even the computer that is used all hours of the day can be prolonged and maintained until it becomes obsolete. If not, you will be buying a new computer every few years.

Whats Wrong With My Computer? - Fixing a Slow Running Computer

So first, defragment regularly. Second, be sure you run your registry cleaning software a couple of times per month. You can also use this to clean your startup files, and many other common culprits of a bogged down computer. Odds are if you follow this maintenance routine regularly you will no longer be asking, What's Wrong With My Computer? Get your free scan right now!

Don't ask yourself again What's Wrong With My Computer?

Types of Computer Software - What Does it Do For Your Computer

Software can simply be defined as the coded instructions that are sent to the computer, which when received by the computer, carries out the tasks the user desires. The commands govern the operation of the computer and all the programs that run on the computer at a given time. Every program installed on your computer is made up of some coded material. This is what the computer reads and carries out the commands required of it during the utilization of the program. The types of computer software can be categorized into three:

1. System software


Also referred to as operating system, it is the software used by the computer to convert and translate inputs from different sources into a machine language. It is the task of an OS to organize the hardware components of a computer. It is also the System software offers a shield of protection to all the other software applications. With the OS, support is also provided to the physical components of computers. Many Os exist in the market. The windows operating system is one that has made a lot of wave in the system software industry. Other operating systems also abound. Among these is UNIX, which is used for large office setups with powerful networks. We also have HP -UX and AIX, used by HP computers. Apache OS is also popular especially with web servers.

Types of Computer Software - What Does it Do For Your Computer

2. Application software:

Application software are the most commonly known and used types of computer software. Application software covers almost all the day-to -day activities done with the computer. Some examples of application software are the Microsoft office suite which includes Word, Excel, publisher and PowerPoint. Many people extensively use these applications. With Internet explorer, Netscape and Mozilla Firefox, people gain access to access the internet. Outlook express is software used for email management. One characteristic of the application software is the user interfaces.

3. Programming language software:

These types of computer software are exclusively used by computer programmers. A programming language is a set instructions used for creating application software and operating system. Basic tools used by the programming software are Compilers, interpreters, linkers and text editors. Examples of this kind of software are C++, Simlab and Java. Java is a programming language for internet applications. Most professional program developers use the C++ language. The program can also be used in developing operating systems. PHP is another language used for internet applications. A new class of languages now exists for the mobile devices. These are light weight languages used for designing mobile applications.

All Computer software works with a programming language. The process runs like a chain reaction. The chain is initiated by transferring the command. The computer software now generates the Machine code which ends the whole process.

Types of Computer Software - What Does it Do For Your Computer

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about types of computer software [http://consumerelectronicsonline.info/types-of-computer-software-what-does-it-do-for-your-computer/], please visit Consumer Electronics Online [http://consumerelectronicsonline.info/] for current articles and discussions.

Why Does My Computer Freeze Up? - A Guide to Fix Computer Freezes

"Why does my computer freeze?" I was wondering this question myself not too long ago. I would be using my computer like any other time. When all of a sudden my computer freezes up. I cannot access any programs. My mouse is not moving anywhere. I cannot use control/alt/delete. The only thing you can do is turn off your computer manually which is unsafe for your computer and causes you to lose any information were using at the time.

Anyone who has experienced this knows how big of a pain a computer freeze is. And it is even worse for those who like me had this happening to them on a regular basis. It just seems to come out of nowhere and can be a huge nuisance.


What I learned was that the problems were coming from my Windows registry. The registry is the most important and fragile area of your computer. It contains the information that runs all of your software and hardware. As you install, update, and delete programs the registry becomes filled with unwanted information.

Why Does My Computer Freeze Up? - A Guide to Fix Computer Freezes

This unwanted information causes two problems. First off it slows down your computer considerably. Like a traffic jam, your computer becomes congested with information and needs to be cleaned out to run fast again. The other problem is windows error messages and your computer freezing up. This useless and corrupted information on the registry counteracts with other programs causing serious problems.

The only way to fix this problem and prevent these kinds of computer freezes is to repair the Windows registry. Because it is such a fragile area it was recommended to use a program to clean up registry errors for me. I did so and my computer stopped freezing almost immediately. Even better it began to run like it was brand new!

If you are interested I have recommended the program I used below to solve this problem for me. With this program you will never have to wonder why does my computer freeze up ever again. Give it a try!

Why Does My Computer Freeze Up? - A Guide to Fix Computer Freezes

Want to turbocharge your computer speed? Looking to fix those pesky windows error messages? Get an easy fix and scan your computer for free with the best registry clean up software on the internet today.

Jim Marshall is a computer technician expert with over 15 years in the industry. He has an intimate knowledge of the windows registry and various register repair software. After testing some of the top registry cleaners on the marker he has created a comprehensive review site that details his findings.


Computer Security Authentication

Computer security authentication means verifying the identity of a user logging onto a network. Passwords, digital certificates, smart cards and biometrics can be used to prove the identity of the user to the network. Computer security authentication includes verifying message integrity, e-mail authentication and MAC (Message Authentication Code), checking the integrity of a transmitted message. There are human authentication, challenge-response authentication, password, digital signature, IP spoofing and biometrics.

Human authentication is the verification that a person initiated the transaction, not the computer. Challenge-response authentication is an authentication method used to prove the identity of a user logging onto the network. When a user logs on, the network access server (NAS), wireless access point or authentication server creates a challenge, typically a random number sent to the client machine. The client software uses its password to encrypt the challenge through an encryption algorithm or a one-way hash function and sends the result back to the network. This is the response.


Two- factor authentication requires two independent ways to establish identity and privileges. The method of using more than one factor of authentication is also called strong authentication. This contrasts with traditional password authentication, requiring only one factor in order to gain access to a system. Password is a secret word or code used to serve as a security measure against unauthorized access to data. It is normally managed by the operating system or DBMS. However, a computer can only verify the legality of the password, not the legality of the user.

Computer Security Authentication

The two major applications of digital signatures are for setting up a secure connection to a website and verifying the integrity of files transmitted. IP spoofing refers to inserting the IP address of an authorized user into the transmission of an unauthorized user in order to gain illegal access to a computer system.

Biometrics is a more secure form of authentication than typing passwords or even using smart cards that can be stolen. However, some ways have relatively high failure rates. For example, fingerprints can be captured from a water glass and fool scanners.

Computer Security Authentication

Computer Security provides detailed information on Computer Security, Computer Security Systems, Computer Network Securities, Computer Security Software and more. Computer Security is affiliated with Information Security Systems [http://www.e-InformationSecurity.com].