Computer Won't Shut Down - How to Fix the Computer Shutdown Problem - Help!

Computer won't shut down? Many people also barge up against this "computer doesn't shut down" problem. No matter how many times you have tried to turn off your computer but it just won't close down.

Many people have no alternative but to press the power switch to shut it down by force, when their computers run into this trouble. Force shutdown could bring serious consequences to your computer and system. It might lead to severe problems including memory and hard drive failure, system crash and so on.


But how to fix the problem? To resolve this troublesome problem, we must go to the root of cause. Every time you turn off your Windows system, it must communicate with registry and save all the vital information before it cuts the power. But when it fails to communicate with registry or receives invalid or incorrect data from registry, it will not be able to execute the shutdown process. That is the reason why your computer won't close.

Computer Won't Shut Down - How to Fix the Computer Shutdown Problem - Help!

So we can conclude that registry errors result in your PC shutdown problem. Registry is the vital part of Windows system. No matter in the earlier version of Windows system or latest Windows 7, XP and Vista, registry always plays the role of control center. It controls all the system processes like startup, shutdown, restart and so on. Moreover, it also has a great effect on computer performance.

To fix the problem, you will need to scan and repair the errors in your Windows registry. Fixing the registry errors will not only resolve the annoying problem but also help you improve your PC performance.

Computer Won't Shut Down - How to Fix the Computer Shutdown Problem - Help!

Now you can click here to use Advance PC Tweaker to help you to fix the computer shutdown problem. Or you can click here to visit my website to find more tips to avoid and resolve the PC shutdown problem.