Negative Impact of Software Piracy on Consumers

Most consumers are usually unaware that the applications they are using are counterfeit and they may simply be pleased because they purchased it at a lower price. However, there are some consumers who go for pirates applications on purpose with the aim of getting them for free. Unfortunately, pirated applications have a lot of disadvantages to the consumer.

For starters, some of them are poorly copied and they may expose the consumer's computer to malware and viruses. This could be very dangerous as it could lead to loss of data. Also, some of them are usually corrupt and they do not work properly. The consumer will therefore not enjoy the full benefits of using a particular application.


Secondly, commercial applications usually have regular updates that are meant to fix holes or problems in an application. However, these updates are usually available to registered users only. Users who do not have a registered copy of an application will therefore miss out on these important updates. They will have to work with the application that they have which may be unreliable at times.

Negative Impact of Software Piracy on Consumers

Also, individuals who are registered users of an application can get access to technical support and customer care whenever they want. This is because most companies request for the registration details of the application as well as the version number before they can help the consumer. Since consumers who use pirated copies are not registered, they cannot get help when they need it. This can be very frustrating especially if something in the application does not work as it should.

Lastly, piracy is a crime, and both the seller and purchaser of pirated goods are considered at fault. The crackdown on pirated applications is not as serious as it should be. However, individuals should not think that they are safe because if they are caught, they will have to face the law and pay the price for having pirated applications.

The fact is that cheap or even free can prove to be very expensive for the computer owner. The application which is supposed to serve them properly and even make their life easier could end up being a serious problem. In the end, after suffering through the inadequacies of pirated software, they may be forced to purchase the genuine application. This will be expensive for them in the long run as they will have paid for sub-standard applications. It is therefore advisable for consumers to purchase quality and genuine applications from the onset in order to avoid any of these inconveniences.

Negative Impact of Software Piracy on Consumers

Software is the life of a commuter. I love to find out new and interesting software and also love to write on it.